The sociology of food is not about eating, it is about doing a lot of very hard thinking: An interview with Professor Anne Murcott
Current Sociology, Ahead of Print.
The sociology of food is not about eating, it is about doing a lot of very hard thinking: An interview with Professor Anne Murcott
Current Sociology, Ahead of Print.
Conflict perceptions across 27 OECD countries: The roles of socioeconomic inequality and collective stratification beliefs
Acta Sociologica, Ahead of Print. Socioeconomic inequality and conflicts regarding distributional issues have resurfaced in many OECD countries over the past three decades. Whereas most research has focused on the objective determinants of perceived so…
Conflict perceptions across 27 OECD countries: The roles of socioeconomic inequality and collective stratification beliefs
Acta Sociologica, Ahead of Print. Socioeconomic inequality and conflicts regarding distributional issues have resurfaced in many OECD countries over the past three decades. Whereas most research has focused on the objective determinants of perceived so…
Philosophy & Social Criticism
Philosophy &Social Criticism, Ahead of Print. Aktar. Cengiz. 2019. “Turkish political Islam’s failure” Philosophy and Social Criticism. DOI:10.1177/0191453718823024.The following changes have been made to the above-mentioned article:The title of th…