Structuration theory investigation of elite Rugby players’ perceptions on how the transition from player to retired player impacted their significant others
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Ahead of Print. This study investigated how male Australian National Rugby League (NRL) players believed their transition to retirement from professional sport impacted their significant other(s), partic…
Structuration theory investigation of elite Rugby players’ perceptions on how the transition from player to retired player impacted their significant others
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Ahead of Print. This study investigated how male Australian National Rugby League (NRL) players believed their transition to retirement from professional sport impacted their significant other(s), partic…
American Behavioral Scientist
Racist Policy Shocks in the United States and Latino Elites’ Identities and Actions: Prop 187, SB 1070, and Trump’s Racism
American Behavioral Scientist, Ahead of Print. This article draws on interviews conducted with 65 upper-middle class and upper-class Latinos in the business and corporate sector to investigate how racist and exclusionary immigration policy shocks at th…
American Behavioral Scientist
Racist Policy Shocks in the United States and Latino Elites’ Identities and Actions: Prop 187, SB 1070, and Trump’s Racism
American Behavioral Scientist, Ahead of Print. This article draws on interviews conducted with 65 upper-middle class and upper-class Latinos in the business and corporate sector to investigate how racist and exclusionary immigration policy shocks at th…
Qualitative Inquiry
Interstitial Ruptures: A Décollage
Qualitative Inquiry, Ahead of Print. In French,décollagerefers to acts of ungluing, unpeeling, or dissolving an image. As an artform, images are torn off, or left to disintegrate, revealing the arbitrariness of the materials that have built society, wh…
Qualitative Inquiry
Interstitial Ruptures: A Décollage
Qualitative Inquiry, Ahead of Print. In French, décollage refers to acts of ungluing, unpeeling, or dissolving an image. As an artform, images are torn off, or left to disintegrate, revealing the arbitrariness of the materials that have built society, …
Journal of Agrarian Change
Brewing Contradictions: State Intervention and Commodity Dynamics in Tea Agriculture in Turkey
Journal of Agrarian Change, EarlyView.
Excluding themselves from development? Carework as a discursive resource for women farmers in Ethiopia
Current Sociology, Ahead of Print. Developmental states see a vital role for women in development, but women do not always share the state’s enthusiasm. In development circles, this is still treated largely as a problem to fix, so how women make sense …