Aging & Mental Health The role of age and opioid agonist treatment on substance use treatment completion in the United States. By Carissa van den Berk Clark, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Comparing drawing under instructions with image copying for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia screening: a meta-analysis of 92 diagnostic studies. By Baker K. K. Bat, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Improving the appropriateness of psychotropic prescribing for nursing home residents with dementia: an overview of reviews. By Daisy A. Wiggin, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Association between hearing loss and suicidal ideation among middle-aged and older adults. By Junghyun Park, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Loneliness and social disconnectedness in the time of pandemic period among Brazilians: evidence from the ELSI COVID-19 initiative. By Juliana Lustosa Torres, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health The hidden stigma of aging and COVID-19: aggravating factors and strategies to mitigate the impact of the pandemic in older adults, a text mining analysis. By Wyllians Vendramini Borelli, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health The impacts of sexual stigma on the mental health of older sexual minority men. By Henrique Pereira, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health The moderating effects of social support and depressive symptoms on pain among elderly multimorbid patients—data from the multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study MultiCareVolume 26, Issue 4, April 2022, Page 803-809. By Tina Mallon, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Health sensitivity in the daily lives of younger and older adults: correlates and longer-term change in health. By Sophie Potter, 4 years ago