Aging & Mental Health The impact of formal and informal support on emotional stress among non-co-resident caregivers of persons with dementia. By Kathy Lee, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Does wisdom moderate the relationship between burden and depressive symptoms among family caregivers of disabled older adults in China? A multiple-group path analysis. By Nan Lu, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Dementia care needs for individuals and caregivers among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic Whites. By Roshanak Mehdipanah, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Neuroimaging correlates of persistent fatigue in older adults: A secondary analysis from the Multidomain Alzheimer Preventive Trial (MAPT) trial. By Davide Angioni, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Effects of dyadic discrepancy in awareness of mild cognitive impairment on changes in care partner’s burden over time. By Sujee Kim, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Age-based stereotype threat: a scoping review of stereotype priming techniques and their effects on the aging process. By F. Vailati Riboni, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Family type and cognitive function in older Chinese Americans: acculturation as a moderator. By Mengting Li, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Disorder, networks, and cognition: do social networks buffer the influence of neighborhood and household disorder on cognitive functioning?. By Haena Lee, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Socioeconomic inequalities in the wellbeing of informal caregivers across Europe. By Martina Brandt, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Resistance training reduces depressive and anxiety symptoms in older women: a pilot study. By Paolo M. Cunha, 4 years ago