Aging & Mental Health The course of depressive symptoms and mortality in older patients with cancer. By Tom Borza, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health A person-centered framework for designing music-based therapeutic studies in dementia: current barriers and a path forward. By Katherine Hackett, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Individual differences in the temporal relationship between sleep and agitation: a single-subject study in nursing home residents with dementia experiencing sleep disturbance and agitation. By Rianne A. Wijbenga, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Estimate of the prevalence of depression among older people in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. By Asres Bedaso, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Music for your mental health? The development and evaluation of a group mental health intervention in subacute rehabilitation. By Jessica V. Strong, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Depressive rumination and life satisfaction among institution-dwelling Chinese older adults: the roles of perceived burdensomeness and social support from individuals within the institution. By Jinfeng Zhang, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Evaluating the efficacy of TeleFAMILIES: a telehealth intervention for caregivers of community-dwelling people with dementia. By Jasmen D. Rice, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Direct and indirect associations between childhood socioeconomic status and cognitive function in the middle-aged and older adults in China. By Xin Ye, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Patterns of discordance of physical functioning in older persons; different associations for apathy and depression? Results from the NESDO-study. By Marieke Henstra, 4 years ago
Aging & Mental Health Widowhood and depression among Chinese older adults: examining coping styles and perceptions of aging as mediators and moderators. By Yunjun Li, 4 years ago