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Category: Physics of Fluids

Joule heating and Soret effects on an electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flow considering the generalized Phan-Thien–Tanner model

Joule heating and Soret effects on an electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flow considering the generalized Phan-Thien–Tanner model

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. This work analyzes the non-isothermal electro-osmotic fluid flow in a microchannel considering the Soret effect and temperature-dependent properties. The constitutive equation that models the fluid rhe…

Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a hypersonic transition research vehicle model lifting body at different angles of attack

Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a hypersonic transition research vehicle model lifting body at different angles of attack

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. This paper performs direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary layer transition over a Hypersonic Transition Research Vehicle (HyTRV) model lifting body designed by the China Aerodynamic Resea…

Chemotaxis of two chiral squirmers

Chemotaxis of two chiral squirmers

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. External gradients can strongly influence the collective behavior of microswimmers. In this paper, under an external linear chemical gradient, we study the behavior of two hydrodynamically interacting …

Pulsating pressurization of two-phase fluid in a pipe filled with water and a little gas

Pulsating pressurization of two-phase fluid in a pipe filled with water and a little gas

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. Although two-phase flows containing gas and water have received extensive attention, the pulsating pressurization effect of a two-phase fluid in a pipe is unclear and the influence of the gas-phase con…

Coupled aero-hydro-mooring dynamic analysis of floating offshore wind turbine under blade pitch motion

Coupled aero-hydro-mooring dynamic analysis of floating offshore wind turbine under blade pitch motion

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. Accurate prediction of the dynamic responses of the floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) under the blade pitch motion is quite challenging because of the strong nonlinear effects. In this study, a ful…

Transition in steady streaming and pumping caused by a sphere oscillating in a viscous incompressible fluid

Transition in steady streaming and pumping caused by a sphere oscillating in a viscous incompressible fluid

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. The steady streaming flow pattern caused by a no-slip sphere oscillating in an unbounded viscous incompressible fluid is calculated exactly to second order in the amplitude. The pattern depends on a di…

A note on pressure and pressure-correction-based fractional-step approaches for low Reynolds number incompressible flows

A note on pressure and pressure-correction-based fractional-step approaches for low Reynolds number incompressible flows

Physics of Fluids, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2023. A comparative study on pressure and pressure-correction-based fractional-step methods for incompressible flows is presented. Implicit fractional-step methods are shown to give rise to a splitting error…