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Category: Journal of Mathematical Physics

Unextendible product operator basis

Unextendible product operator basis

Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 63, Issue 12, December 2022. Quantum nonlocality is associated with the local indistinguishability of orthogonal states. Unextendible product basis (UPB), a widely used tool in quantum information, exhibits nonlo…

Periodic wave propagation in a diffusive SIR epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and periodic environment

Periodic wave propagation in a diffusive SIR epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and periodic environment

Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 63, Issue 12, December 2022. The aim of this paper is to study the periodic traveling wave solutions in a nonautonomous reaction-diffusion susceptible-infected-removed epidemic model with general nonlinear incide…

Threshold phenomenon in n-dimensional repulsive restricted Euler–Poisson equations with time-dependent damping

Threshold phenomenon in n-dimensional repulsive restricted Euler–Poisson equations with time-dependent damping

Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 63, Issue 12, December 2022. The damping term has an important effect on the existence of solution in fluid dynamics. In this paper, we will consider the threshold phenomenon of global existence and blow up of so…