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Category: American Institute of Physics

Lifetime of photoexcited carriers in space-controlled Si nanopillar/SiGe composite films investigated by a laser heterodyne photothermal displacement method

Lifetime of photoexcited carriers in space-controlled Si nanopillar/SiGe composite films investigated by a laser heterodyne photothermal displacement method

Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 133, Issue 12, March 2023. Thermal management has become more critical as semiconductor devices are miniaturized. In metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors, the problem is the reduction in electron mobilit…

Broadband terahertz linear cross-polarization conversion in transmission mode using planar coupled metamaterials

Broadband terahertz linear cross-polarization conversion in transmission mode using planar coupled metamaterials

Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 133, Issue 12, March 2023. We demonstrate a metamaterial (MM) design capable of showing linear broadband polarization conversion over the terahertz (THz) frequency range. The building block of the proposed MM structur…

The native and metastable defects and their joint density of states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon obtained from the improved dual beam photoconductivity method

The native and metastable defects and their joint density of states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon obtained from the improved dual beam photoconductivity method

Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 133, Issue 12, March 2023. In this study, undoped hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films deposited under moderate dilution ratios of silane by radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RF-…

Theoretical investigation of the barocaloric effect in spin-crossover systems upon first- and second-order phase transition conversion

Theoretical investigation of the barocaloric effect in spin-crossover systems upon first- and second-order phase transition conversion

Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 133, Issue 12, March 2023. We report a theoretical simulation of the barocaloric effect in spin crossover systems starting from a model Hamiltonian, which includes the crystalline electrical field, elastic, and phonon…

Simultaneously improve the Purcell factor and internal quantum efficiency of light-emitting diodes via surface plasmon by metal conic structure

Simultaneously improve the Purcell factor and internal quantum efficiency of light-emitting diodes via surface plasmon by metal conic structure

Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 133, Issue 12, March 2023. Recent advances in the development of surface plasmons (SPs) enhanced LED have provided a great opportunity to enhance either the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) or the spontaneous emissio…