The Resistance of Riboflavin/UV-A Corneal Cross-Linking to Enzymatic Digestion Is Oxygen-Independent


Corneal cross-linking (CXL) with riboflavin and UV-A induces several effects in the cornea, including biomechanical stiffening, generation of reactive oxygen species, and increased resistance to enzymatic digestion. Whereas the biomechanical stiffening effect is oxygen-dependent, little is known about the effect of oxygen on the resistance to enzymatic digestion. Here, we examined CXL-induced enzymatic resistance in the absence of oxygen.


Ex vivo porcine corneas (n = 160) were assigned to 5 groups. Group 1 was the control group (abrasion and riboflavin application). Groups 2 and 3 received accelerated 10 and 15 J/cm2 high-fluence CXL protocols in the presence of oxygen (9′15″ @ 18 mW/cm2 and 8′20″ @ 30 mW/cm2, respectively), whereas groups 4 and 5 received accelerated 10 and 15 J/cm2 high-fluence CXL protocols in the absence of oxygen (oxygen content less than 0.1%). After CXL, corneas were digested in 0.3% collagenase A solution. Mean time until complete dissolution was determined.


The mean times to digestion in groups 1 through 5 were 22.31 ± 1.97 hours, 30.78 ± 1.83 hours, 32.22 ± 2.22 hours, 31.38 ± 2.18 hours, and 31.69 ± 2.53 hours, respectively. Experimental CXL groups showed significantly higher (P

Corneal Endothelium Viability Assay Using Trypan Blue Dye After Preloaded Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Graft Preparation


The purpose of this study was to establish a validated method, consistent with Eye Bank Association of America medical standards, for evaluating endothelial cell loss (ECL) from an entire Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) graft using trypan blue dye as an alternative to specular microscopy.


Twenty-nine corneas were prepared for preloaded DMEK by a single technician, and the endothelium was stained with trypan blue dye for 30 seconds. The technician estimated total cell loss as a percentage of the graft and captured an image. Images were evaluated by a blinded technician using ImageJ software to determine ECL and compared with endothelial cell density from specular microscopy. Tissue processing intervals were analyzed for 4 months before and after implementation of this method.


For the 29 grafts, there was no statistically significant difference (t test, P = 0.285) between ECL estimated by a processor (mean = 5.8%) and ECL calculated using an ImageJ software (mean = 5.1%). The processor tended to estimate greater ECL than the actual ECL determined by ImageJ (paired t test, P = 0.022). Comparatively, postprocessing endothelial cell density measured by specular microscopy were higher compared with the preprocessing endothelial cell density (mean = 4.5% P = 0.0006). After implementation of this evaluation method, DMEK graft processing time intervals were reduced by 47.9% compared with specular microscopy evaluation (P