Journal of Management Studies
The Temporality of Crisis and the Crisis of Temporality: On the Construction and Modulation of Urgency During Prolonged Crises
Journal of Management Studies, EarlyView.
Cogent Business & Management
Trustworthiness in Indonesia healthcare: fostering loyalty in B2B relationships
Volume 11, Issue 1, January-December 2024.
Do dividends mitigate bad news hoarding, overinvestments, and stock price crash risk?
Accounting &Finance, Volume 64, Issue 4, Page 3999-4038, December 2024.
Does corporate digitalisation moderate real earnings management?
Accounting &Finance, Volume 64, Issue 4, Page 4157-4196, December 2024.
Cogent Business & Management
Exploring impact of profitability, leverage and capital intensity on avoidance of tax, moderated by size of firm in LQ45 companies
Volume 11, Issue 1, January-December 2024.
Journal of Management Studies
The Role of Informative Names in Niche Dynamics and Product Survival in a High‐Velocity Industry
Journal of Management Studies, EarlyView.