Accounting & Finance
Prediction of corporate financial distress based on corporate social responsibility: New evidence from DANP, VWP and MEOWA weights methodologies
Accounting &Finance, Volume 64, Issue 5, Page 4537-4565, December 2024.
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
Integrated reporting quality and negative ESG media coverage: Empirical evidence from South Africa
Journal of International Financial Management &Accounting, Volume 35, Issue 3, Page 833-866, October 2024.
International Journal of Rural Management
Rural Assets, Services, Technologies, Enterprises and Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring Transforming Pathways
International Journal of Rural Management, Ahead of Print.
Cogent Business & Management
Employee creativity deterrence by abusive supervision through the lens (mediation) of employee silence
Volume 11, Issue 1, January-December 2024.