Cogent Business & Management
The health belief model: Evaluating governmental public health messages on social media aimed at preventing a COVID-19 epidemic in Kuwait
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
Business Perspectives and Research
Deliberately Causing Brand Confusion: State of the (Unfair) Art
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. Brand Confusion is a time-worn yet highly relevant topic for marketers, researchers, and regulatory agencies because colossal and ever-increasing number of legal cases on brand confusion have kept the…
CFOs’ audit experience and corporate disclosure quality: evidence from China
Accounting &Finance, Volume 62, Issue 3, Page 4013-4039, September 2022.
Business Perspectives and Research
Capitalizing on Service Failures: Implications for Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. This study examines the driver influence of service recovery performance (SRP) on customer engagement (CE) and customer loyalty (CL) in the Indian retail banking setting. Data collected from a sample …
The impact of tax enforcement on corporate investment efficiency: evidence from the tax administration information system
Accounting &Finance, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 1635-1669, June 2023.