Quantitative Finance
Market making with inventory control and order book information
Volume 22, Issue 3, March 2022, Page 597-610.
South African Journal of Psychology
Positioning resilience science more centrally in affirming LGBTIQA+ persons and communities
South African Journal of Psychology, Ahead of Print. Historically, in psychology, there was a tendency towards focusing on the individual and intrapsychic pathologisation of LGBTIQA+ persons. Despite a recent shift to affirmative, systemic, interperson…
Cogent Business & Management
Retaining skilled workers through motivation: The Malaysian case
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
Business Perspectives and Research
Organizational Justice and Employee Well-being in India: Through a Psychological Lens
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. This research paper reports the relationship of organizational justice, work engagement, and psychological capital of employees with their well-being. The predictive strength of organizational justice…
Business Perspectives and Research
Organizational Justice and Employee Well-being in India: Through a Psychological Lens
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. This research paper reports the relationship of organizational justice, work engagement, and psychological capital of employees with their well-being. The predictive strength of organizational justice…
Business Perspectives and Research
Extending Resource Value-Based Circular Economy Business Model in Emerging Economies: Lessons from India
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. The linear economic model fueled by misconception and ignorance towards our limited resources led us to extract, produce, consume, and dispose of materials faster than putting them back into the chain…