Cogent Business & Management
Empirical nexus between Chinese investment under China–Pakistan Economic Corridor and economic growth: An ARDL approach
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
Accounting &Finance, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 1709-1737, June 2023.
Financial Management, Volume 51, Issue 3, Page 929-953, Autumn (Fall) 2022.
International Journal of Rural Management, Ahead of Print. This article investigates the complexity of factors that influence the location choice for agro-processing firms from a developing country and SME perspective. It further examines the underpinn…
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 79-99, June 2022. The sudden, rapid and ongoing outbreak of novel coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) has forced social distancing and lockdowns. Many people have already starte…
Journal of Management Studies, EarlyView.