Journal of Management Studies
Linking Experience to Intuition and Cognitive Versatility in New Venture Ideation: A Dual‐Process Perspective
Journal of Management Studies, Volume 60, Issue 5, Page 1105-1146, July 2023.
Determinants and consequences of student satisfaction in Australian Universities: Evidence from QILT Surveys
Accounting &Finance, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 1821-1850, June 2023.
Intention to visit under the impact of reverse country-of-origin effect
Volume 34, Issue 3, September 2023, Page 344-358.
Business Perspectives and Research
Impact of the US Dollar Index and Crude Oil on Prices of Arabica and Robusta Varieties of Indian Coffee
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. Coffee is one of the largest traded agri-plantation commodities consumed as a popular beverage across the globe. India exports 75% of its coffee to Europe, the USA, and other developed countries; howe…
Business Perspectives and Research
Impact of the US Dollar Index and Crude Oil on Prices of Arabica and Robusta Varieties of Indian Coffee
Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print. Coffee is one of the largest traded agri-plantation commodities consumed as a popular beverage across the globe. India exports 75% of its coffee to Europe, the USA, and other developed countries; howe…
Cogent Business & Management
Pandemic outbreaks and food supply chains in developing countries: A case of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe
Volume 9, Issue 1, January-December 2022.