The Translator
Telling the story of translation. Writers who translate
Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2021.
The Translator
Translating in linguistically diverse societies. Translation policy in the United Kingdom
Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2021.
Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies Journals
Migration from Innocence to Experience in William Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" and Sohrab Sepehri's "Water's Footsteps"
William Wordsworth, English poet of the 19th century, and Sohrab Sepehri, contemporary Persian poet, would definitely belong to two diverse ages, cultures and traditions. In the case of poetry, notwithstanding all of their discrepancies in discourse, they have worked on a quasi-framework. In this study, Sepehri’s “Water’s Footsteps” – /SedAye PAye Ab/ – and Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” are inspected comparatively by seeking the significant influxes of ‘mother nature’ in order to find out the points of similarity and diversity in their voices by representing a nature-based migration from innocence to experience.
Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies Journals
The Arabic Origins of English and Indo-European "Legal Terms": A Radical Linguistic Theory Approach
This paper aims to trace the Arabic origins of English, German, French, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit "legal terms" from a radical linguistic (or lexical root) theory perspective. The data comprises 150 such terms like allow, barrister, criminal…
Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies Journals
Cultural Problems in the Translation of the Qur’an
Culture, as a main barrier in translation, creates real challenges for both translators and scholars of linguistics. The main aim of this paper is to investigate this translation problem, with reference to a number of culture-bound expressions in the Q…
Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies Journals
The Use of Hybrid Terms and Expressions in Colloquial Arabic among Jordanian Collage Students: A Sociolinguistic Study
The present study investigates spoken colloquial hybrid terms and expressions used amongst university students in Jordan, from a sociolinguistic perspective. The study attempts to explain attitudes and the extent of use by students at Yarmouk Universit…
Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies Journals
Pragmatic Study of Verbal Threats among the Fantes: A Case of Apewosika
Verbal threat is a face threatening acts that confront people. It is a language phenomenon that can generate quarrel, fight, confusion, chaos, etc. This study investigates causes, aims and effects of verbal threat, among the Fantes using Apewosika as a…