Concurrent Engineering
Machine Learning and Automation in Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent Engineering, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 133-134, June 2022.
Concurrent Engineering, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 133-134, June 2022.
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. In order to improve the efficiency of assembly line and optimize the layout, this paper presents a collaborative optimization model for a two-sided U-type assembly line and a novel design with p-l partition layou…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. The survival percentage of lung patients can be improved if pneumonia is detected early. Images of the chest X-ray (CXR) are the most common way of identifying and diagnosing pneumonia. A competent radiologist fa…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. Federation Payment Tree, a new Off-chain with zero-knowledge hash time lock commitment setup is proposed in this paper. The security of blockchain is based on consensus protocols that delay when number of concurr…
Concurrent Engineering, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 214-224, June 2022. An Intelligent Transport System (ITS) model that is contingent on the compulsion and expertise of the Traffic Prediction System in the contemporary urban context is proposed in this p…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. In recent years, more than 50 million people have been affected by the epilepsy, neurological disorder diseases. To monitor the situation of the epilepsy patient requires experienced and skilled person. In order …
Concurrent Engineering, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 171-180, June 2022. Every organization in this digital age is expected to exponentially increase its digital data due to generations from machines. The advanced computations of Big Data are now showing v…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. Now-a-days, the medical industry is growing a lot with the adaptation of latest technologies as well as the logical evaluation and security norms provides a robust platform to enhance the effectiveness of the ind…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. The Intelligent Computing area such as Automatic Biometric authentication is an emerging and high priority research work where the researchers invent several biometric applications which result in the revolutiona…
Concurrent Engineering, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 190-205, June 2022. Industry 4.0 aims to revolutionize the manufacturing sector to achieve sustainable and efficient production. The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought many challenges in different in…