Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent engineering retractions batch 1
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print.
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print.
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a systematic approach to transform customer requirements (CRs) into product engineering characteristics (ECs). Traditional QFD relies on market research or customer questionna…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. The optimization of production planning and scheduling is important for modern process industry. Due to different time dimensions of them, it is easy to create conflicts between the optimization results if they a…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. With the popularity of IoT (Internet of Things) technology, more and more engineering systems are integrated with context-aware functionalities. It is self-evident that functional analysis is a critical process f…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. With the improvement of manufacturing technology, the performance gap between different products has been gradually narrowed, and customers pay more and more attention to psychological feelings and aesthetic expe…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. One of the major challenges in variety management of modular product families is to prevent continuously generated variants of design elements. This paper aims to provide guidance on how manufacturing companies c…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. In a highly competitive market environment, organizations must improve their productivity, reduce production costs and improve management methods, in order to maintain a favorable competitive position. Project fa…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print.
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the adaptation of current computer methodologies to tackle issues from different fields. Education, medical research, and agriculture are just a few of th…
Concurrent Engineering, Ahead of Print. This research investigates the novel techniques which provide the detailed information on the biometric images used along with the methods applied for biometric image pre-processing. It also describes the propose…