Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Haploinsufficiency of Syngap1 in Striatal Indirect Pathway Neurons Alters Motor and Goal-Directed Behaviors in Mice
SYNGAP1 is a high-confidence autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk gene, and mutations in SYNGAP1 lead to a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) that presents with epilepsy, ASD, motor developmental delay, and intellectual disability. SYNGAP1 codes for Ras…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
More Than a Small Brain: The Importance of Studying Neural Function during Development
The nervous system contains complex circuits comprising thousands of cell types and trillions of connections. Here, we discuss how the field of “developmental systems neuroscience” combines the molecular and genetic perspectives of developmental neuro…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Neural Transformation from Retinotopic to Background-Centric Coordinates in the Macaque Precuneus
Visual information is initially represented in retinotopic coordinates and later in craniotopic coordinates. Psychophysical evidence suggests that visual information is further represented in more general coordinates related to the external world; how…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Estrous Cycle-Dependent Modulation of Sexual Receptivity in Female Mice by Estrogen Receptor Beta-Expressing Cells in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus
The sexual receptivity of female mice, shown as lordosis response, is mainly regulated by estradiol action on estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ), depending on the day of the estrous cycle. Previous studies revealed that ERα …
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
The Nociceptor Primary Cilium Contributes to Mechanical Nociceptive Threshold and Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain
The primary cilium, a single microtubule-based organelle protruding from the cell surface and critical for neural development, also functions in adult neurons. While some dorsal root ganglion neurons elaborate a primary cilium, whether it is expressed…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Spatiotemporal Mapping of Auditory Onsets during Speech Production
The human auditory cortex is organized according to the timing and spectral characteristics of speech sounds during speech perception. During listening, the posterior superior temporal gyrus is organized according to onset responses, which segment aco…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Acid-Sensing Ion Channels Drive the Generation of Tactile Impulses in Merkel Cell-Neurite Complexes of the Glabrous Skin of Rodent Hindpaws
Merkel cell–neurite complexes (MNCs) are enriched in touch-sensitive areas, including whisker hair follicles and the glabrous skin of the rodent’s paws, where tactile stimulation elicits slowly adapting type 1 (SA1) tactile impulses to encode fo…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
Kernels of Motor Memory Formation: Temporal Generalization in Bimanual Adaptation
In daily life, we coordinate both simultaneous and sequential bimanual movements to manipulate objects. Our ability to rapidly account for different object dynamics suggests there are neural mechanisms to quickly deal with them. Here we investigate ho…
Journal of Neuroscience current issue
The Icelandic Mutation (APP-A673T) Is Protective against Amyloid Pathology In Vivo
A previous epidemiological study in Northern Europe showed that the A673T mutation (Icelandic mutation) in the amyloid precursor protein gene (APP) can protect against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). While the effect of the A673T mutation on APP processing …