Calpain-2 Mediates MBNL2 Degradation and a Developmental RNA Processing Program in Neurodegeneration

Increasing loss of structure and function of neurons and decline in cognitive function is commonly seen during the progression of neurologic diseases, although the causes and initial symptoms of individual diseases are distinct. This observation sugge…

Inositol Polyphosphate-5-Phosphatase K (Inpp5k) Enhances Sprouting of Corticospinal Tract Axons after CNS Trauma

Failure of CNS neurons to mount a significant growth response after trauma contributes to chronic functional deficits after spinal cord injury. Activator and repressor screening of embryonic cortical neurons and retinal ganglion cells in vitro and tra…

Long-Lasting, Pathway-Specific Impairment of a Novel Form of Spike-Timing-Dependent Long-Term Depression by Neuropathic Pain in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex

Malfunctioning synaptic plasticity is one of the major mechanisms contributing to the development of chronic pain. We studied spike-timing dependent depression (tLTD) in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of male mice, a brain region involved in proc…