RAPT360: Reinforcement Learning-Based Rate Adaptation for 360-Degree Video Streaming With Adaptive Prediction and Tiling

Tile-based rate adaption can improve the quality of experience (QoE) for adaptive 360-degree video streaming under constrained network conditions, which, however, is a challenging problem due to the requirements of accurate prediction for users’…

Quality-Oriented Task Allocation and Scheduling in Transcoding Servers With Heterogeneous Processors

Dynamically adaptive streaming over HTTP requires a large-scale server to transcode various bitrate versions in which different preset parameters can be used to provide different video qualities at each resolution. When transcoding servers contain a he…

Detecting Compressed Deepfake Videos in Social Networks Using Frame-Temporality Two-Stream Convolutional Network

The development of technologies that can generate Deepfake videos is expanding rapidly. These videos are easily synthesized without leaving obvious traces of manipulation. Though forensically detection in high-definition video datasets has achieved rem…

Deep Learning Based Just Noticeable Difference and Perceptual Quality Prediction Models for Compressed Video

Human visual system has a limitation of sensitivity in detecting small distortion in an image/video and the minimum perceptual threshold is so called Just Noticeable Difference (JND). JND modelling is challenging since it highly depends on visual conte…