Annals of the History of Computing
Get Published in the New IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society
Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers.
Annals of the History of Computing
Call for Special Issue Proposals for Computer
Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers.
Annals of the History of Computing
Front Cover
Presents the front cover for this issue of the publication.
Annals of the History of Computing
“Well Paid for a Woman”: Gloria Hardman's 50-Year Career in Computing
In 1964, Gloria Nel (née Webb) arrived in England and began her 50-year career in computing at IBM in London (1964-1966). She continued as a programmer at the London Press Exchange (1966–1968), and then in the U.S. at MIT (1968–1969), …
Annals of the History of Computing
Seeking High IMP Reliability in Maintenance of the 1970s ARPAnet
During the first years of ARPAnet operations, computers were not highly reliable, but the network was built from standard computers and was expected to function as a utility with high reliability. We managed to achieve the desired reliability, as perce…
Annals of the History of Computing
Call for Articles
Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers.
Annals of the History of Computing
Introductory Note to “Seeking High IMP Reliability in Maintenance of the 1970s ARPAnet”
One popular way of viewing technological change is to see each technology as going through a lifecycle, which would include stages such as invention, innovation, maturity, operations and maintenance, decline, and, eventually, obsolescence. For some tim…