AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
A <math xmlns:mml=”” display=”inline” id=”d1e641″ altimg=”si6.svg” class=”math”><mo>−</mo></math>104 dB PSRR and 1.86-ppm/<math xmlns:mml=”” display=”inline” id=”d1e646″ altimg=”si7.svg” class=”math”><mrow><msup><mrow></mrow><mrow><mo>∘</mo></mrow></msup><mi mathvariant=”normal”>C</mi></mrow></math> curvature-compensated bandgap voltage reference with improved voltage-self-regulating technology
Publication date: Available online 3 November 2023Source: AEU – International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsAuthor(s): Sini Wu, Yihong Gong, Jin Xie, Ruiyong Tu, Jinghu Li, Zhicong Luo