International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Removal of methylene blue dye by adsorption onto Natural Muscovite Clay: experimental, theoretical and computational investigation. By Otheman Amrhar, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Biosorption of ceftriaxone antibiotic by Pseudomonas putida from aqueous solutions. By Soraya bozorginia, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Facile solid solution of trirutile and columbite structured oxides Zn1-xLixNb2-xMoxO6 and Zn1-xLixNb2-xWxO6 (x = 0.0-1.0): synthesis and photocatalytic studies. By Arunkumar Nagarajan, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Adsorption of Cr(VI) using α-Fe2O3 coated hydroxy magnesium silicate (HMS): isotherm, thermodynamic and kinetic study. By Mutairah Shaker Alshammari, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry A simple spectrophotometric study of adsorption of Hg(II) on glycine functionalised magnetic nanoparticle entrapped alginate beads. By Surbhi Lilhare, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Photocatalytic degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in the presence of ZnS, NiS and ZnS/NiS supported Clinoptilolite under UV irradiation: experimental and neural network modelling. By Mahdi Norouzi, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Effective removal of nickel(II) and zinc(II) in mono-compound and binary systems from aqueous solutions by application of alginate-based materials. By A. Benettayeb, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Adsorption application of activated carbon from ripe black locust seed pods for wastewater taken from Ergene River, Turkey. By Osman Üner, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Magnetic multi-walled carbon nanotubes-loaded alginate for treatment of industrial dye manufacturing effluent: adsorption modelling and process optimisation by central composite face-central design. By Ali Azari, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Surface modification of Artocarpus odoratissimus leaves using NaOH, SDS and EDTA to enhance adsorption of toxic crystal violet dye. By N.A.H. Mohamad Zaidi, 4 years ago