Cover Feature: Production of Acetylene from Viable Feedstock: Promising Recent Approaches (ChemPlusChem 11/2024)
ChemPlusChem, Volume 89, Issue 11, November 2024.
Cover Feature: Amino‐Functionalizing Ce‐Based MOF UiO‐66 for Enhanced CO2 Adsorption and Selectivity (ChemPlusChem 11/2024)
ChemPlusChem, Volume 89, Issue 11, November 2024.
Chemistry – A European Journal
Morphological Evolution of Metal‐Organic Frameworks into Hedrite, Sheaf and Spherulite Superstructures with Localized Different Coloration
Chemistry – A European Journal, Accepted Article.
Applied Organometallic Chemistry
Efficient Removal of Antibiotics From Water via a Novel Magnetic Hypercrosslinked Polymer
Applied Organometallic Chemistry, EarlyView.