International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Removal of uranium from aqueous solutions by adsorption using Rosetta ilmenite concentrate. By Salah A. ZakiIsotope Geology Department, Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Removal of uranium from aqueous solutions by adsorption using Rosetta ilmenite concentrate. By Salah A. Zaki, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Evaluation and risk assessment of heavy metals in surface water collected along the Isipingo River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. By , 4 years ago
Uncategorized Evaluation and risk assessment of heavy metals in surface water collected along the Isipingo River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. By Gbadebo Clement Adeyinka, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Phytoremediation of Cd and Pb in polluted soil: a systematic review. By , 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Phytoremediation of Cd and Pb in polluted soil: a systematic review. By Hajar Nouri, 4 years ago
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Zinc oxide nanoparticles induce oxidative stress and histopathological toxicity in the thyroid gland and liver of ratsVolume 103, Issue 4, April 2021. By Samar Sakr, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Thermal and catalytic cracking of plastic waste: a review. By , 4 years ago
Uncategorized Thermal and catalytic cracking of plastic waste: a review. By Zahraa A. Hussein, 4 years ago
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry Are pesticides only a problem from rural areas? The case of a highly urbanised tropical mangrove (Fortaleza, CE, Brazil). By , 4 years ago