Uncategorized Employing UV/peroxydisulphate (PDS) activated by ferrous ion for the removal of toluene in aqueous environment: electrical consumption and kinetic study. By Aref Shokri, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Sustainable forward osmosis desalination: a review on polymeric membranes and flux parameters. By Jeevan Mathew Tharayil, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Monitoring of metals migration and identification of corrosion sources in canned tomatoes and sardines. By Mehdi Safta, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Facile synthesis of blue fluorescent carbon nanodots based on the pyrolysis of straw for iron (III) detection and cellular imaging. By Xianfeng Zhang, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Corrigendum: Oriented Electric Fields Accelerate Diels–Alder Reactions and Control the endo/exo SelectivityChemPhysChem, EarlyView. By nRinat Meir, nHui Chen, nWenzhen Lai, nSason Shaikn, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Adsorptive behaviour of surface tailored fungal biomass for the elimination of toxic dye from wastewater. By V. Karthik, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Regeneration of diclofenac-spent granular activated carbon by sulphate radical based methods: multi-response optimisation of adsorptive capacity and operating cost. By Elif Durna, 5 years ago
Uncategorized The concentration and health risk assessment of trace elements in commercial soft drinks from Iran marketed. By Nabi Shariatifar, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Aryl- CH and aryl-π•••hole supported selective colourimetric sensing of cyanide. Effect of ‘on- the – ring /off- the-ring’ π•••hole functionality in cyanide selectivity. By Kumaresan Murugesan, 5 years ago