Uncategorized Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Clitoria ternatea flower: an efficient catalyst for removal of methyl orange. By Duangruedee Khwannimit, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Effective photocatalytic methylene orange dye degradation ability in coloured textile contaminated water by highly efficient catalyst Schiff-based resin-encapsulated supported on TiO2@SiO2 metal oxide nanoparticles. By Nasira Liaquat Rajput, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Reverse flow injection techniques for the determination of nitrogen and phosphorus species in estuarine water of the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. By Najeem Oladosu, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Montmorillonite reinforced polystyrene nanocomposite supported on cellulose as a novel layered sorbent for microextraction by packed sorbent for determination of fluoxetine followed by spectrofluorimetry based on multivariate optimisation. By Parastou Matin, 5 years ago
Uncategorized A sensitive determination of triazole pesticides in grape juice by combining solid phase extraction–dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography–flame ionisation detection. By Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam, 5 years ago
Uncategorized PECVD synthesis of ZnO/Si thin film as a novel adsorbent for removal of azithromycin from water samples. By Soheil Sobhan Ardakani, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Determination of bisphenol A in real samples using modified graphite screen-printed electrode. By Hesam Safavi Gerdin, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Removal of Nickel from Aqueous solutions Using Magnetic Nanocomposite synthesised with Agricultural Waste. By Sezen Kucukcongar, 5 years ago
Uncategorized The concentration of potentially hazardous trace elements (PHTEs) among tap drinking water samples from Ilam city, Iran: A probabilistic non-carcinogenic risk study. By Yadolah Fakhri, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Monitoring and assessment of the potential health risks associated with the toxic heavy metals content in selected fruits grown in Arba Minch region of Ethiopia. By Srinivasan Babuskin, 5 years ago