Uncategorized Follow the degradation of organic matter during composting of date palm (phoenix dactylifera L) waste by physicochemical properties, UV-visible and FT-IR analysis. By Abdelmadjid HABCHI, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Rare-earth elements distribution in Algerian soil samples using neutron activation analysis: Monte Carlo analytical method approach. By A. Azbouche, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Fluoride removal from water using ceramic based adsorbent prepared from spent mosquito repellent liquid vaporiser rods. By Sarthak Suhane, 5 years ago
Uncategorized A modified spectrophotometric method for the determination of ferrous ion during the Fenton process. By Laxiang Yang, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Adsorption of formaldehyde from aqueous solution using activated carbon prepared from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. By Maryam Zahed, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Efficiency of bentonite in removing cesium, strontium, cobalt and uranium ions from aqueous solution: encapsulation with alginate for column application. By Riham A. Abou-Lilah, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Diethylamine functionalised Moringa oleifera leaves for the removal of chromium(VI) and bacteria from wastewater. By Daniel Masekela, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Spectrophotometric analysis of selected metal ions using microwave assisted in situ complexation. By Asif Ali, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Assessment of lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium and total antioxidant capacity levels of employees exposed to exhaust gases in closed parking lots. By Feyzullah Sacid Öztoprak, 5 years ago
Uncategorized Stir bar sorptive extraction combined with deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction: application in simultaneous derivatisation and extraction of acidic pesticides. By Mohammad Reza Afshar Mogaddam, 5 years ago