Life Science Alliance
UNC119 regulates T-cell receptor signalling in primary T cells and T acute lymphocytic leukaemia
T-cell receptor recognition of cognate peptide–MHC leads to the formation of signalling domains and the immunological synapse. Because of the close membrane apposition, there is rapid exclusion of CD45, and therefore LCK activation. Much less is…
Life Science Alliance
Trans-scale live-imaging of an E5.5 mouse embryo using incubator-type biaxial light-sheet microscopy
During mouse embryonic development, the embryonic day (E) 5.5 stage represents a crucial period for the formation of the primitive body axis, where the symmetry breaking of cellular states influences the multicellular system. Elucidating the detailed …
Life Science Alliance
Transcription factor EB (TFEB) activity increases resistance of TNBC stem cells to metabolic stress
Breast cancer stem cells (CSCs) are difficult to therapeutically target, but continued efforts are critical given their contribution to tumor heterogeneity and treatment resistance in triple-negative breast cancer. CSC properties are influenced by met…
Life Science Alliance
COA5 has an essential role in the early stage of mitochondrial complex IV assembly
Pathogenic variants in cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 5 (COA5), a proposed complex IV (CIV) assembly factor, have been shown to cause clinical mitochondrial disease with two siblings affected by neonatal hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manifesting a…
Life Science Alliance
Divergent destinies: insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying EPI and PE fate determination
Mammalian pre-implantation development is entirely devoted to the specification of extra-embryonic lineages, which are fundamental for embryo morphogenesis and support. The second fate decision is taken just before implantation, as defined by the epib…
Immunology, Microbiology, Virology & Host Pathogen Interaction, Molecular Biology
lncRNA CARINH regulates expression and function of innate immune transcription factor IRF1 in macrophages
The discovery of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) has provided a new perspective on the centrality of RNA in gene regulation and genome organization. Here, we screened for lncRNAs with putative functions in the host response to single-stranded RNA respi…
Life Science Alliance
Mechanical compressive forces increase PI3K output signaling in breast and pancreatic cancer cells
Mechanical stresses, including compression, arise during cancer progression. In solid cancer, especially breast and pancreatic cancers, the rapid tumor growth and the environment remodeling explain their high intensity of compressive forces. However, …
Life Science Alliance
Concatemer-assisted stoichiometry analysis: targeted mass spectrometry for protein quantification
Large multiprotein machines are central to many biological processes. However, stoichiometric determination of protein complex subunits in their native states presents a significant challenge. This study addresses the limitations of current tools in a…
Life Science Alliance
NSD3 protein methylation and stabilization transforms human ES cells into variant state
Cultured human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can develop genetic anomalies that increase their susceptibility to transformation. In this study, we characterized a variant hESC (vhESC) line and investigated the molecular mechanisms leading to the drift …