Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
p65/RelA NF‐κB fragments generated by RIPK3 activity regulate tumorigenicity, cell metabolism, and stemness characteristics
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, EarlyView.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, EarlyView.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, EarlyView.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 123, Issue 10, Page 1607-1623, October 2022.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 123, Issue 11, Page 1736-1761, November 2022.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 124, Issue 7, Page 1064-1064, July 2023.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 124, Issue 6, Page 755-764, June 2023.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Accepted Article.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Volume 124, Issue 3, Page 473-473, March 2023.