Molecular docking studies of natural and synthetic compounds against human secretory PLA2 in therapeutic intervention of inflammatory diseases and analysis of their pharmacokinetic properties

Title: Molecular docking studies of natural and synthetic compounds against human secretory PLA2 in therapeutic intervention of inflammatory diseases and analysis of their pharmacokinetic properties
Authors: Choudhury, Manisha; Sharma, Dolly; Das, Mana…

The interplay between oat beta glucan, gut microbiota and gut-liver axis in treatment of obesity associated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and Type II diabetes mellitus

Title: The interplay between oat beta glucan, gut microbiota and gut-liver axis in treatment of obesity associated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and Type II diabetes mellitus
Authors: Ghalwash, Asmaa A; Baalash, Amal A; Gaafar, Nagah K; Wasfy, Rania E;…