Contemporary Physics
String theory in a nutshell, 2nd edition
Volume 62, Issue 1, March 2021, Page 50-51.
Molecular Physics
A compact electrostatic lens for velocity map imaging experiments
Volume 120, Issue 1-2, January 2022.
Contemporary Physics
The physics of graphene, 2nd edition
Volume 62, Issue 1, March 2021, Page 50-50.
International Journal of High Energy Physics
Mutual Proof of Cosmic Medium and Hubble Law
This paper proposes that the cosmic space is microscopically of granular lattice structure and the granular meta-space is called positive hole. The cosmic space which is microscopically of granular lattice structure is called quantum space. It is simil…
International Journal of High Energy Physics
The Physics of Mass Gap Problem in the General Field Theory Framework
We develop the gauge theory introduced by Ning Wu with two Yang-Mills fields adjusted to make the mass term invariant. In the specific representation there arise quantum massive and classical massless no-Abelian vector modes and the gauge interaction terms. The suggested model will return into two different Yang-Mills gauge field models. Next, we focus on calculating `the meet of the propagators’ of those quantum massive and classical massless vector fields with respects to the double Yang-Mills limit. We demonstrate that our proposed version of the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) predicts mass gap Δ > 0 for the compact simple gauge group SU (3). This provides a solution to the second part of the Yang-Mills problem.
International Journal of High Energy Physics
Relativistic Treatment of Spinless Particles Subject to Modified Scarf II Potential
We employ the parametric generalization of Nikiforov-Uvarov method to obtain the bound state solutions the relativistic Klein-Gordon equation under equal scalar and vector modified Scarf II potential. The energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave f…
International Journal of High Energy Physics
A Quasi-Unitary Pre-Quantum Theory of Particles and Fields and Some Theoretical Implications
Through a phenomenological approach using the concept of sub-quantum fluid, the theory argues the possibility of a cold genesis of elementary particles and of fields, explaining the electro-magnetic and the gravitic fields by equations of ideal fluids …
International Journal of High Energy Physics
Higgs Masses in a Renormalization-GroupImproved Non-Minimal Model of Supersymmetry
We give a systematic study of Higgs masses in a non-minimal model of supersymmetry with renormalization group improvement for extended values of the parameters like tanβ , MC (the mass of charged Higgs) and Q (the squark mass scale), in the context of …