Molecular and Optical Physics
Tomographic entanglement indicators in frequency combs and Talbot carpets
Recent theoretical investigations on tomographic entanglement indicators have showcased the advantages of the tomographic approach in the context of continuous-variable (CV), spin and hybrid quantum systems. Direct estimation of entanglement using expe…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Non-Hermitian quantum-like cascaded nonlinear optical frequency conversion and splitting in dissipative media
It is shown that cascaded nonlinear optical frequency conversion over an intermediate wavelength, subjected to dissipation, behaves similarly to population transfer via a decaying state in a three-state non-Hermitian quantum system. The intermediate di…
Molecular and Optical Physics
A comprehensive study of the radiative properties of NO—a first step toward a complete air opacity
In this paper we propose a methodology to calculate the radiative properties of the diatomic molecular constituents of air, and utilize the present approach to model the radiative properties of nitrogen monoxide, NO. We also investigate the important p…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Cavity QED photons for quantum information processing
Based on a cavity QED framework, we theoretically describe a universal set of logic gates which are implemented by passing a multi-level atom initially in its ground state through a multi-mode cavity. The qubits are encoded on the cavity modes and the …
Molecular and Optical Physics
Three-dimensional photoelectron holography with trichromatic polarization-tailored laser pulses
We present a three-dimensional (3D) photoelectron wave packet holography scheme based on polarization-tailored trichromatic femtosecond laser pulses for the determination of quantum phases in atomic multiphoton ionization (MPI). Experimentally, we comb…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Ellipticity dependence of high-order harmonic generation in disordered semiconductors
We analyze the ellipticity dependence of high order harmonic generation (HHG) in disordered semiconductors. We show that a disordered crystal can radiated HHG spectra containing only odd harmonics of the laser frequency for all values of the ellipticit…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Many-particle covalency, ionicity, and atomicity revisited for a few simple example molecules
We analyze two-particle binding factors of H2, LiH, and HeH+ molecules/ions with the help of our original exact diagonalization ab initio approach. The interelectronic correlations are taken into account rigorously within the second quantization scheme…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Ranging with a frequency-shifted feedback laser using frequency-comb driven phase modulation of injected radiation
Theoretical and experimental data is presented for the application of an injection-seeded frequency-shifted feedback (FSF) laser for high accuracy ranging. Previous work discussed such a ranging scheme with a phase-modulated single-frequency laser wher…
Molecular and Optical Physics
Alignment dependence of photoelectron momentum distributions for diatomic molecule N2 in strong elliptical laser fields
The ionization dynamics of aligned N2 molecules are studied in strong elliptical laser fields experimentally and theoretically. The alignment-dependent photoelectron momentum distribution of N2 is measured for highlighting the molecular structure contr…