The Physics of Mass Gap Problem in the General Field Theory Framework

We develop the gauge theory introduced by Ning Wu with two Yang-Mills fields adjusted to make the mass term invariant. In the specific representation there arise quantum massive and classical massless no-Abelian vector modes and the gauge interaction terms. The suggested model will return into two different Yang-Mills gauge field models. Next, we focus on calculating `the meet of the propagators’ of those quantum massive and classical massless vector fields with respects to the double Yang-Mills limit. We demonstrate that our proposed version of the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) predicts mass gap Δ > 0 for the compact simple gauge group SU (3). This provides a solution to the second part of the Yang-Mills problem.

The Conflict between the Unitary Quantum Theory and the Special and General Relativity Theories

The authors discuss contradictions between the principal branches of the modern physical picture of the universe. Space and time have been shown in the Unitary Quantum Theory (UQT) not to be connected one with the other, unlike in the Special Theory of Relativity. In UQT, time becomes Newtonian again, and the growth of the particle’s mass with growing speed proceeds from other considerations of physics. Unlike the quantum theory, the modern gravitation theory (the general theory of relativity) is not confirmed by experiments and needs to be considerably revised.